Categories: Health + Wellness

New Year, New Mom! Tackle Your Trouble Spots: Arms

Are you starting to feel more toned and tight from our first 2 trouble spot workouts?  In case you missed them, check out how to tone your tummy and your butt.  This week we complete the program by tackling our arms!

Your arms are actually one of the few parts of your body that doesn’t go through major change during pregnancy, but the normal weight gain that comes along with growing a baby may have left you with a wiggly wave.  You know the kind I mean, when you wave and then your arm keeps waving?  To get rid of the extra fat and tone those guns, it takes the same 3 keys: toning, cardio, and healthy eating.

Let’s talk about toning for a minute. Many women are afraid of lifting weights or doing push-ups for fear of ending up with hulk arms.  Good news, women simply don’t have enough testosterone to bulk up like men do (even when you lift heavy weights).  So don’t be afraid to really challenge yourself with the strength exercises below, you’ll end up with the toned tight arms you desire, no hulks in sight! Plus, strong arms are really a necessity for motherhood. Have you lifted a car seat carrier lately?  The everyday tasks of mothering include lots of lifting, pulling, and pushing. The moves below will strength all the muscles in your arms and shoulders to prepare you for your daily life as a mom.

20 minute Arm Toning Plan

For this workout you’ll need:

  • Your baby
  • Ergobaby Baby Carrier
  • Timer (you can use your phone)
  • Chair
  • Diaper bag or dumbbell
  • Mat

As with any exercise plan, be sure to get your doctor’s clearance before starting a new activity.

Warm up

Put your baby in the Ergobaby Baby Carrier. For 1 minute, march in place and pump your arms to raise your body temperature and prepare for the workout.  Then switch to a step touch for another minute and swing the arms as you move. Repeat both moves again for a total of 4 minutes.


We are going to alternate between 1 minute of cardio and 1 minute of strength, so get your timer ready.

  1. Tricep Dip – This move tackles the wiggly wave! Sit on a chair with your hands by your sides gripping the edge of the seat. With your feet flat on the floor move your hips away from the bench (keeping your butt near the edge). Bending your elbows back along your sides, lower down slowly, then press up to the starting position. Complete as many repetitions as you can in 1 minute. Your little one provides some extra weight to challenge your triceps.
  2. Power Punches – Let’s sculpt the shoulders! Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder width and your toes and knees pointing outwards (like a dancer’s plie squat).  Extend one arm to the side and alternate punching high and low as quick as you can.  As you punch, squat up and down with your legs. Stay on one arm for 30 seconds and then switch to the other arm. You will really feel this in your shoulders.
  3. Diaper bag curl – Whether it’s a diaper bag, infant carrier, or bag of groceries, we use our biceps all the time as moms! For this move, grab your diaper bag (or a dumbbell) and hold it in one hand. Keeping your elbow near your side, perform a curl to lift the bag up to your shoulder. Slowly return to the start. Repeat as many reps as you can for 30 seconds and then switch arms.
  4. Mountain Climber – For the last two moves, take your baby out of the carrier and lay them below you on a mat. The mountain climber is a total body move that is great for cardio.  Your arms are stabilizing your body so they will get a workout too. Come into a plank position on your hands. Make sure your hands are directly below your shoulders and that you are a straight line between your head and your feet. Bring in one knee at a time towards your chest.  The faster your pace, the more challenging this move will be. Try to keep going for a whole minute.
  5. Push up kiss – Give a little love and get toned arms! Assume a push up position. You can choose to be on your knees to start or your toes for more challenge. Make sure your hands are directly under your shoulders and that you hips are in line with your body. Slowly lower down and give your baby a kiss at the bottom, then push up to the top.  Keep going for a full minute.

Take 1 minute to rest and then repeat these 5 exercises once more.


Finish by stretching as your baby lies nearby on the floor and rehydrate.

So there you have it! You now have a complete workout program to tackle your trouble spots and help you fit back into those pre-pregnancy jeans. Here are two options for how to combine the workouts to get the best results.

Level 1

Start out with this level and repeat for 2 weeks.








Core workout


Butt workout


Arms workout




Level 2

After week 2, progress to level 2 and continue to add more challenge by increasing the intensity of your workouts.








Core workout

Butt workout

Arms workout


Core workout

Butt workout

Arms workout


When you feel like you are ready for more, feel free to sign up for a more detailed plan. Here’s to a healthy and happy new year!

Please use caution when attempting any of the carries, exercise or activities highlighted on this blog.  Please use common sense and caution when using a Carrier.  You should consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise program.  For more information, see our Disclaimer.  For some of the exercises, it is important for your baby to have good head control, modify or skip exercises as needed to keep things safe for you and your baby.

Autumn was blessed to grow up in an active family where she learned to love exercise. She created Tailored Fitness, an online fitness program, to help other moms live healthy lives and set an example for their kids. Autumn lives in San Diego with her surf-loving husband and sweet baby girl Sienna.


Autumn Bonner

Autumn was blessed to grow up in an active family where she learned to love exercise. She created Tailored Fitness, an online fitness program, to help other moms live healthy lives and set an example for their kids. Autumn lives in San Diego with her surf-loving husband and sweet baby girl Sienna.

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