How Do I Use the Infant Insert with the 360 Baby Carrier?


The Original and Four Position 360 baby carriers are designed to carry most children from birth (at least 7 pounds) with the use of the infant insert, which provides cushion and support. Infants are soft and floppy and lack the ability to hold their head and trunk up on their own. The Ergobaby infant insert provides this needed support that is not present in the carrier without it. Think of a taco holding everything up and in. This insert keeps the airway open and provides a swaddling effect that both soothes and protects the infant.


Shop Infant Inserts


You can read more about why you need the infant insert and the importance of the infant insert on the Ergobaby blog.

How to Use the Ergobaby Infant Insert

How do you use a newborn insert? It’s really quite easy! First, attach the 360 baby carrier around your waist. Make sure it’s tight but still comfortable for you to wear. 


Next, take the infant insert and place it inside the carrier. The Ergobaby infant insert has two places where it attaches to the carrier: on the top and on the sides of the insert. To attach it, simply lay the insert inside the 360 baby carrier, put each of the top loops around the shoulder straps, and snap them in one at a time. Then, you will take the side or bottom straps and loop and clip each one to the bottom half of the shoulder straps.

And that’s all it takes. Easy as pie, right? But if you want a visual instruction, which we recommend for all parents new to babywearing and first-timers using the infant insert, you can watch the video above to learn how to use the Ergobaby infant insert with our 360 baby carrier, (not to be confused with the Omni 360, which does not need the insert!). This video also shows you how to comfortably and safely put your baby in the carrier after you’ve put the infant insert in it.

Shop 360 Baby Carriers


How long do you need to use the Ergobaby infant insert? 

Once your baby demonstrates good head and neck control and can safely sit in the spread-squat position with their knees reaching the end of the carrier, you no longer need to use an infant insert. This typically happens between 4-6 months old.

You’ve got this parenting thing and we’re here to help if you think you don’t! We’ve got all kinds of information and tips on babywearing, breastfeeding, health and wellness, and more on our blog. You can also contact our support team and join the Ergobaby Facebook community.

Christina is a mama, conservationist, DIY’er, vintage fanatic, dog lover and the Ergobaby director of community.

She is passionate about babies, babywearing, birth, yoga, natural living, and healthy eats. When not online reading and writing about all of the above, she can be found spending time with her daughter, creating their family story in Los Angeles.

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April 13, 2018

