
Content provided on this site, including without limitation any tutorials, advice or exercise programs, is solely for informational purposes and are to be used at your own risk.   The information on this website are the opinions of the author (s), and not of Ergobaby, and are not a replacement for medical advice. You should consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise program.

Please use caution when attempting any of the carries, exercise or activities highlighted on this blog, social media or other content channels.  Please use common sense and caution when using a Baby Carrier.  Please see more safe babywearing tips here.

Some of the information or advice may put some users of this site at risk due to health issues, physical limitations, or misuse. If you or your child have health issues or physical limitations, please discuss the appropriateness of the carry, carrier or activity with your health care practitioner.

Ergobaby cannot be held accountable for any injuries sustained by the reader when attempting these carries or using these carriers.  For more information, please see our Terms of Use Agreement.