Categories: Babywearing Tips

10 Reasons to Love Babywearing

If you’re new to babywearing, it can be overwhelming. As a pregnant mother, there are so many choices to be made and worries to be had. The idea of one more choice to make, which baby carrier is right for me? Or should I even babywear to begin with? It can be daunting.

Today I’m going to break down some of my favorite reasons why my colleagues and I love to babywear and why you will, too. If your mama friends have told you already that you ‘must!” add that Ergobaby Omni 360 to your baby registry on Amazon, here’s a great list of reasons why you might consider taking her advice.

I also want to say, people have been wearing their babies in societies all over the world for ages. This isn’t something new! Fun fact: Ergobaby was started in 2003 by a single mom.  

Babywearing supports fourth-trimester bonding & connection

Wait, what? A fourth trimester you say? Yes! I know, the first three felt long enough but this one is probably the most beautiful of them all. You’ve just given birth to a sweet, tender, life.

This period refers to the first three months after birth and it’s when your little one is moving from the familiar comfort of your warm, dark womb to a new environment full of unfamiliar sights, sounds, smells, and sensations. At this time, baby is adjusting to a time of enormous change and development. Babywearing can help support this transition for baby by keeping baby close and connected to you. They need a lot of touch, containment, and holding. Whether wrapped up in a baby wrap or in  a carrier, babywearing promotes that critical bond between you and your child during the days that matter most. Babywearing allows you to stay connected and close throughout the day and attuned to baby’s cues and needs.

Baby cuddles & kisses

We always say to carry your baby so that she is ‘close enough to kiss.’ Get the oxytocin moving for you and for her by having baby close enough for baby snuggles. The closeness between you and baby stimulates the production of the hormone Oxtyocin, associated with all sorts of feel good hormones, bonding, and connection.

Babywearing is vital when you have more than one kiddo

Babywearing frees up your hands and the benefits of this are endless. One that you might not think of at first glance is the sweet ability to be able to hold your other child’s hands. Some mamas can comfortably tandem wear one baby carrier on front and another on the back. While this may not work for all parents and body types, another great option is to stroll with one child and babywear with the other, or walk with one and carry the other. Some older kiddos really love to be worn, too. Our carriers are safe up to 45 pounds!

Babywearing can improve postpartum depression

Our Chief Science Officer at Ergobaby recently wrote an enlightening piece on postpartum depression. One of the pieces of research he cites finds that “mothers providing daily skin-to-skin contact to their newborn had significantly lower scores on the depression scales.” There is evidence to suggest that babywearing may help improve maternal postpartum depression. Mix in babywearing with activity such as walking or some other form of exercise and the benefits of babywearing for depression may be even greater. His comprehensive research on the connection between babywearing and depression can be found here.

Babywearing can ease travel

Our in-house babywearing educator shares some tips and tricks for traveling with baby and babywearing. Babywearing creates freedom and convenience  for while you navigate unfamiliar airports, streets, and new places with family. 

Babywearing makes breastfeeding easy

Babywearing and breastfeeding often go hand in hand; breastfeeding encouraged and even made easier by babywearing and babywearing encouraged and even made easier by breastfeeding. Here’s an easy example of how to breastfeed in your baby carrier with easy tips

It’s less hassle than strolling

Do you live in a city? Have you ever tried to carry a stroller onto public transit? Yeah, us either. It’s not fun.  Your baby carrier can be compactly folded up for traveling or easily stashed in a diaper bag or purse. The added hassle of a whole extra vehicle to account for is removed and you can swiftly move through grocery stores, public transit, and whatever other places you may need to with baby. It’s a great option for urban dwellers. 

Worn babies tend to cry less

There is evidence to suggest that while babywearing may not prevent or stop colic from occurring, that worn babies tend to cry less. Our in house chief science officer wrote this blog on baby crying, which has some additional evidence on the relationship between carrying and crying.

Hands-free & ability to multitask

Babywearing allows you to do so many things while keeping baby close. Grocery shopping, walks with friends, errands, walking the dog, and chores, all while bonding with baby. For a working mama, it can also allow for connection after periods of time away from baby. And in the words of one of our mamas on staff: “I feel like it makes up doubly for our time apart.” 

Outdoor adventures, anyone?

For the outdoorsy mama (and dad!), adventures don’t have to stop just because baby arrives. While you may have to adjust your adventure in some way, many babies love to get outside and stay close to you.

We wish you all the best on your babywearing journey. We hope you come to love it as much as we do.

Whitney Easton

Whitney is the Social Media Manager at Ergobaby. She is a former early childhood educator, teacher, and children and family yoga instructor with a love of wellness, health, and all things mind-body-soul. She loves to write, blog, spend time in nature, and adventure with her rescue dogs when not plugged into all things babywearing.

Whitney Easton

Whitney is the Social Media Manager at Ergobaby. She is a former early childhood educator, teacher, and children and family yoga instructor with a love of wellness, health, and all things mind-body-soul. She loves to write, blog, spend time in nature, and adventure with her rescue dogs when not plugged into all things babywearing.

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