Tips for Finding Your Mom Tribe
So you're a new mama. And although this is supposed to be one of the best seasons of your life, at times it can still feel a little lonely and isolating. Maybe you're living in a new city, or none of your friends have children, or perhaps you just haven't been able to find women to connect with just yet. If you're in that very common situation (been there!) here are some tips for finding your "Mom Tribe."
  1. Be yourself. This seems like such an obvious thing, but it's always worth a reminder. Like attracts like, and to find "your people," work at being the most you, you can be! Authenticity always shines through, and to find women you can share those golden "me too" moments with, share your heart and who you really are, right from the get-go.
  2. Branch out. Aim to try one new thing "Mommy and me" thing each week. Some ideas: library story time, local Mom and baby workout or yoga classes, babywearing groups, parenting classes or sessions at your local birthing center, Mommy and me hiking groups...put yourself out there and you will begin to make connections.
  3. Make the first move. Don't be scared to approach another mother and strike up a conversation. At the root of everything we are all alike, and we're all doing the best we can. Start with what you have in common- being mothers- and grow from there. One of the most fun things about making friends with other mamas is forging common ground first, and then discovering each other's "pre-Mom" selves, all of the things that make us who we are, outside of being a parent.
This could be dating advice too, right? It's pretty similar though: be yourself, branch out, don't be afraid to approach others that you feel you could be friends with. The benefits are endless- friendship, support, and a camaraderie that we all need. And in those first few years as a new parent, we need them even more. It's great to find those like-minded people we connect with, and even better when they know exactly how you feel when your baby sleeps through the night for the first time, successfully take their first bottle, or when you just need to vent for a minute. So go out there with an open mind and an open heart- you never know who is also out there looking for you too!