It's sunny, and you want to get outside...but it's cold! Babywearing and enjoying the outdoors doesn't have to stop just because the temperatures have dropped, but you do want to take extra precaution that both you and baby are warm and safe while you're out on the trails.
  1. Dress baby in layers. That way as the two of you heat up, you're able to remove layers quickly and easily. Keep baby in their footed pajamas, and layer their legs with adult socks or baby leg warmers. If it's very cold, be sure there is no exposed skin between baby's pants and socks. Cover their hands with socks or mittens.
  2. Consider using a winter weather cover, or a babywearing coat. Ergobaby's Winter Weather cover is the best- it's soft and water-resistant, and allow baby's legs to be completely covered while also offering a hood option. There are different babywearing coats on the market, but an easy and cost-effective way to use a coat over your carrier is to repurpose your maternity coat, or use a coat 1-2 sizes