Health & Wellness
Autumn Bonner
January 01, 2014
Happy New Year Moms! Now that the family is gone, Christmas cookies are eaten, and presents are all opened, you are probably settling back into your normal life as a mom. If you are like most people, you are probably thinking about the new year and how you’d like to make it even better than last year. One of the areas you might like to improve in the New Year is your health. Let’s face it: as a mom, caring for yourself usually takes last place. You make sure your kids’ needs are met, take care of your spouse, and after that, if there’s time, you take care of you. Sadly this often leaves us moms disappointed…with how our clothes fit, with how often we get to exercise, and with our lack of energy.
Let’s make this year different! To be the best moms we can be, we must take care of ourselves. The good news is that by carving out just 20 minutes a day you can make some big changes this year! Over the next 3 weeks, we are going to tackle the top 3 trouble spots for moms: tummy, butt,