My husband and I had been married less than a day when we first got The Question from his dad, my new father-in-law: “So, when can we expect grandkids?”
We weren’t that surprised. Both of us have always known we’d be parents one day, and were fortunate to have parents who didn’t see any contradiction between being gay and raising a family. I still remember the first words out of my mom’s mouth when I came out to her: “You still want to have kids, right?”
In retrospect, my husband and I traveled a fairly traditional path: boy meets boy, boy falls in love with boy, boy marries boy.
But as we quickly learned, the latest chapter in our story – boy and boy start a family – was a little more complicated. As many prospective parents know, the wait can be longer than you expect.
Deciding on adoption was the easy part; making it happen took work. Because there was no scenario in which we could “accidentally” adopt -- no “honey, I have a big surprise!”-- every step of the process felt