Chelsea Nenni
Body image is an issue that’s really close to my heart and I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how it affects new moms. It seems to me that women’s feelings about their postpartum bodies often get overlooked, likely because there’s rarely discussion about it. To start the conversation, I reached out to my amazing community of women, “Hey mama friends, I'm writing a piece about embracing your beautiful postpartum body. Would love to hear your experience!” The poignant, real responses I received from my friends made me cry. I chatted with each of them, thanking them for their honesty and asked if it would be okay to share their stories. They all graciously agreed. In the words of my pal Lindsey, “Anything in the name of female empowerment.” I’m so honored to share their strength, humor, and open-heartedness with you.
I think the first step is just like the first step in any change - acknowledging that your body is different and that it’s okay to hate it. It’s okay to hate your stretch
In recent posts, we’ve discussed the benefits of postpartum yoga and even learned a yoga sequence for new moms. Over the past five years, I've gotten to teach prenatal, postnatal, and kids yoga classes in New York City and Los Angeles. During that time, I've kept a running list of the hilarious / adorable / weird / poignant things I've heard in my kids classes. Today, I’m opening up the vault to share those gems with you. Behold, my top twenty favorite kids yoga moments: 20. As a teacher, I’ve noticed that kids are obsessed with finding out everything about you. During my first teaching job in New York City, this five-year-old girl called me out in front of the class, asking the following spitfire questions: “How old are you? How many kids do you have? Are you married?” After I told her my age (to which she gasped in horror), that I wasn’t married, and didn’t have kids yet, she handed me a book she’d gotten at the school book fair, entitled How To Fall in Love. 19. In
Eight years ago, we lost my aunt to breast cancer. It’s hard for me to talk about and I know I’m not alone. Breast cancer has affected so many of the women we love. I know that early detection could have saved my aunt’s life, so I’d love to encourage you to carve out time each month for your breast self-exam. You may be thinking, “Umm, I’m a new mom and I don’t have time to do anything. At all. Ever.” I hear you. What if you made a deal with yourself to do the exam on the first of every month? I know you have 800 million things going on at all times, but think of it as an investment. While there’s no way to prevent breast cancer, early detection is the single best way to combat it. In fact, 40% of breast cancer detection stems from breast self-exams. So, by taking a few minutes each month to check, you’re doing yourself (and your baby) a world of good. Now, maybe you’re like me and you genuinely care about your breast health, but you always forget to do the exam. Well, we’re going
In preparation to write an earth-shattering piece on nutrition for pregnancy, I realized the recommendations we give to pregnant women are suspiciously close to ones we give to regular people. There are the pregnancy-specific no-no’s (no alcohol, smoking, caffeine, raw fish, or lunch meat), but the do’s are common recommendations for a healthy lifestyle: Eat A Rainbow of Foods! Drink So Much Water!! Don’t Drown Yourself in Refined Sugars!! Please Exercise! Whole foods (those which are unprocessed and as close to their natural state as possible) are your best bet in giving your baby the best nutrients for growth. Our goal is to enjoy nutrition from all the different food groups in balanced amounts. Since you already know the basic tenants of nutrition (eat your fruits and veggies, etc.), let’s focus specifically on why you need extra protein and a bunch of nutrients during pregnancy and how to find them in whole foods.
Protein is Key
We learned in school that protein is a key building block
Carving out time for self-care is a challenge for anyone, but it’s especially difficult when you’re a new mom. Mommy & Me yoga classes are a great option to invite movement and meditative focus into your day, but the reality of leaving the house and going to a yoga studio might not be possible. With that in mind, here are some fun yoga poses you can do with your little one in the comfort of your own home. If you’ve got a yoga mat already, that’s great! If not, a blanket or towel will do just fine.
Cat-Cow Pose
Set your baby on her back, either on a comfy blanket or some other sort of support on the floor. Next, bring yourself onto all fours, positioned so that when you look down, baby and you make eye contact. If you have sensitive knees, you may want to grab an extra blanket to place underneath them for cushioning. For optimal positioning, you’ll want your palms flat on the floor, with your hands shoulder-width distance, and knees hip-width distance. Take a deep breath, arch your back,
Summer’s here and you deserve a little fun in the sun! Here are a few ideas for experiencing the great outdoors (in your Ergo!) with your baby. Be sure to share your adventures with us and use the #InMyErgo hashtag!
Park It
Pack yourself a delicious lunch for a good old-fashioned park visit and enjoy the picnic under a shady tree. Maybe toss a few books in your bag, too - one to read to your little one and a book of your own to enjoy while baby takes a nap. If baby is old enough, seek out the nearest playground. The bucket seat swings and sandbox time are a perfect place to start.
Hike On
Embark on a local hike with your baby! This is, of course, a perfect opportunity for babywearing and the chance to expose your little one to nature. To get an idea where to start, The National Recreation Trails Database offers a list of over 1,100 trails in all 50 states. If you live in a city like San Francisco or New York, maybe try a bridge walk instead! There’s a ton of information online about