Eight years ago, we lost my aunt to breast cancer. It’s hard for me to talk about and I know I’m not alone. Breast cancer has affected so many of the women we love.
I know that early detection could have saved my aunt’s life, so I’d love to encourage you to carve out time each month for your breast self-exam. You may be thinking, “Umm, I’m a new mom and I don’t have time to do anything. At all. Ever.” I hear you.
What if you made a deal with yourself to do the exam on the first of every month? I know you have 800 million things going on at all times, but think of it as an investment. While there’s no way to prevent breast cancer, early detection is the single best way to combat it. In fact, 40% of breast cancer detection stems from breast self-exams. So, by taking a few minutes each month to check, you’re doing yourself (and your baby) a world of good.
Now, maybe you’re like me and you genuinely care about your breast health, but you always forget to do the exam. Well, we’re going to change that together because I've created an amazing way to remember to do your exam on the first of each month.
Okay, so there's that saying, “Pinch, Punch, First of the Month!!” If you haven’t heard of this, it’s just a thing people say on the first of the month and then they get to (gently) pinch or punch whoever they say it to -- kind of like when you forget to wear green on St. Patrick's Day.
Well, my mom, sisters, and I all live in different cities, but on the first of every month, my mom group texts us, “Pinch, Punch, First of the Month!!” We’ll respond with “Owwww!!” or “You got me!!” Haha, I guess you have to be there.
So, what if you started texting, “Pinch, Punch, First of the Month!” to YOUR mom/sisters/girlfriends as a funny joke, but ALSO as a gentle reminder to do the breast self-exam? I feel like it’s always easier to remember something when there’s a joke attached to it. Give it a go! I will, too.
And just as a reminder,
click here for easy, step-by-step breast self-exam instructions as recommended by the National Breast Cancer Foundation. By taking care of your breast health, you're also taking care of the rest of your family. It's a win-win. :)
photo credit @crystalmariesing via Twenty20
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