Workout Wednesday | Core Activation

CARiFiT was born in the gym…it is a workout first and foremost and a very effective one. This week we work your core with some functional moves that get our mums strong in all the right places.

Watch your form, keep the movements smooth and controlled and focus on your posture and core activation throughout. Core activation is no good if you can only do it whilst static, so once you have mastered your breathing and activation, give this workout a go!

You can adapt this workout to suit your fitness by using either just your body weight or adding in some small hand weights to turbo charge this session!
You are aiming here for 10 back to back reps of each move…30 in total before resting for 1 minute and you are aiming to repeat the circuit 4 times.

  1. Single leg curl to press
  2. Single leg curl to press
  3. Lunge and press

If you aren’t sure what stage of your recovery you are at, download our weekly workout guide here.  For more parent and baby workouts and other family health and wellness, click here.



Please use caution when attempting any of the carries, exercise or activities highlighted on this blog, social media or any other content channels.  Please use common sense and caution when using a baby carrier.  You should consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise program.  For more information, see our disclaimer.

Christina is a mama, conservationist, DIY’er, vintage fanatic, dog lover and the Ergobaby director of community.

She is passionate about babies, babywearing, birth, yoga, natural living, and healthy eats. When not online reading and writing about all of the above, she can be found spending time with her daughter, creating their family story in Los Angeles.

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