October 24, 2019
What used to be hailed as a more-than-welcome 'extra hour in bed' in your child-free days, is now nothing more than a spanner in the works to your just-perfected sleep routine. When 6 am becomes 5 am, but your extra hour in bed is swiftly interrupted by a confused little one who has no idea about clocks and time zones, things can go a bit wonky.
However, by planning ahead and making some minor adjustments to your baby or child's schedule in the run-up to the change, you can try and ensure everything keeps ticking along (excuse the pun!) as usual — and you can take advantage of that extra hour!
Note: You'll want to start making changes to your child's routine a week before the clocks go back in your timezone.
The plan is surprisingly simple — but effective! By gradually increasing your child's bedtime across the week until they're going to bed an hour later than usual the night before the clocks change, you can reasonably expect them to wake up an hour later the next morning, which — violà! — will coincide perfectly with the extra hour of sleep you're hoping to take advantage of.
There are two ways we can make this adjustment.