Lunchtime.Sweet baby Apple was sound asleep and my two "big" kids were eating at the table. I was sitting between them and after a few moments Ainsleigh creeped over and climbed up on my lap. She was facing towards me and grabbed my cheeks, looked me straight in the eyes and smiled....over and over again in between kisses on my cheeks.Something about the way the sun was shining behind her, something about those sweet dimples that she has.Something about the way her tiny fingers were stroking my hair and clinging to me.Something about the way she clenches on when she thinks I am about to get up.She, too, wants it to last.I desperately wanted to jump up and grab my camera but I didn't. I held her tight. Soaked it in. And am doing the best job that I can right now to repaint it as a memory.
The weather here in Texas is changing.
It nudges at my soul.
Today I was thinking.
Recently I had to take a personality test for some "work" related things. We wanted to see where we fit best