David Sullivan
For most people the idea of bringing an infant to work is completely alien. How could one get anything done, they may ask, while tending to the needs of an infant? Well, it is not easy but it can be done in certain professions. For myself, a researcher for Ergobaby at the time my daughter, Neela, was born, it was a challenge that I relished, since my wife and I would were committed not to put our newborn into daycare, even if it meant financial hardship. Luckily, our employer supported having babies at the workplace. Thanks to Ergobaby we did not have to be separated for hours a day from our newborn daughter. I arranged my desk to accommodate standing while working and wore my daughter in an Ergobaby baby carrier with the infant insert . I worked with Neela on my body for several hours each day. In fact, as the "experiment went on, my co-workers would also wear her from time to time. Neela became another member of the office staff. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that