Bobbie Baby Formula, the brand you know and love for its top-notch organic formulas, has just launched their newest product: Boosties! As a long-time request from Bobbie parents, these new infant supplements are perfect for formula-fed and breastfed babies alike. Since Bobbie has a very simple ingredient list, they leave it up to parents to add anything extra! Parents who are looking for probiotics or Vitamin D will now be able to order these supplements— along with their Bobbie subscription— for their own, customized infant formula. We spoke with Mallory Whitmore, The Formula Mom and Education Lead at Bobbie, about why these two new products are so exciting for Bobbie parents.
What are boosties?Bobbie Boosties are infant supplements that can be added to an infant’s diet, whether they’re breastfeeding, formula feeding, or doing a bit of both (also known as combo-feeding)!Do breastfeeders need added vitamins or probiotics? Many parents don’t realize that breast milk