Dear new mom and mom-to-be,
You're not going to be perfect. Not ever.
And that's ok because you are the perfect mom for your child.
I don't mean that no matter what you are the perfect mom, because you can screw it up. In some ways, I promise, you will, but as long as you're not burning your child with cigarettes, starving them, beating them, or neglecting them, then you are the perfect, flawed mom for your child. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to live in the enjoyment of being a parent.
It is very, very possible (as in rather likely) that at some point after having your baby you may find yourself thinking you've made the most terrible mistake of your life. Television, movies, and social media like to portray having a new baby as this sweet, warm, fuzzy time of bliss or a hilarious string of out of control buffoonery and don't get me wrong, it can be all those things. The hilarity will be there, you just may not find it so funny when you're the one living