Keegan Barkley
Gas, hunger, a dirty diaper, tired, teething, sick – there are many reasons why a baby cries. Crying is your baby’s way of letting you know that something is wrong and they need you. Sometimes it’s easy to soothe a crying baby. Sometimes all it takes is you singing a song or giving your baby a bath. Other times you may not know why you have a fussy newborn so you don’t know what to do to calm them down, but you do know that you want and need to calm them down.
1. Calm Yourself Down
Babies can be very sensitive to changes in their caregiver’s emotional state. If your baby has been crying for a while and you're feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, take some deep breaths, relax your shoulders, close your eyes, and take a moment for yourself. Every time you travel by plane, the flight attendants remind you to put on your own oxygen mask before helping others. Your baby will settle down more quickly if you are able to be calm and tuned in to their cues.
2. Hold Your Baby
Small babies look to