If you've ever bought baby or toddler yogurt you know if can be expensive. At our local store, it ends up being about $1 a serving for the organic baby yogurt. Not only that, but it is loaded with sugar (besides the sugar found naturally in fruit). Our little one is a big fan of yogurt, and I think it can be a healthy part of her meals, but I prefer to make it at home with no added sugar and much, much cheaper.
In order to make baby yogurt you will need a yogurt maker. Also, you will need 10-12 hours from start to finish. Only about 20 minutes of this is actual hands-on time though.
Homemade Baby Yogurt
It takes anywhere from 10-12 hours to make yogurt from start to finish, but only about 20 minutes of it is active time.
4 cups of organic, hormone-free whole milk
1/2 cup whole milk yogurt
Fruit stir-ins: natural applesauce, blueberries*, bananas*, or peaches*
1. Make the yogurt. This post from
101 Cookbooks is great on explaining how. It is the one I follow all the