Laurel McCarthy
It's no news that summer is hot and when you've got a little one one your body, it's even hotter. And while there aren't any baby carriers with an air conditioner feature, there ARE carriers that are built in with ultimate breathability. Plus, we can offer a few tips for babywearing in hot weather ;)
1. Dress both yourself and baby for the weather.
Light and airy clothes are best. We like linen or 100% cotton or linen, although sporty performance fabrics are also great if that is your style! Remember that whatever carrier you are using acts as a layer, too. Also keep sun protection in mind. Baby Legs or other leg/arm covers are an easy on/off way to provide light protection while staying cool (some Baby Legs even have UV protection).2. Keep a layer of fabric between you and baby to help make things feel less sticky!
Wearing a highMy husband and I enjoy hiking and were determined to keep hiking a part of our life even after we had children. We therefore found ways to make hiking both possible AND fun with an infant or young toddler. So in the spirit of fun times ahead, here are a few tips for hiking with your baby.
1. Only hike in good weather
This may go without saying, but many adults have no problem hiking in the rain or the cold. Babies, on the other hand, are not as able to regulate their body temperature like adults can and since they are not generating heat through activity, they can lose body heat quickly through their hands and feet. What’s more, babies and young children do not follow instructions even when it’s to their benefit to do so! No matter what you do, sometimes your child will insist on hanging a foot, hand, or even head outside of the rain cover or poncho to get cold and wet. The end result? Unhappy