Lorraine Vontista
So, you want to have a baby, you’re pregnant, just had a baby or you’re at the point of your journey where you’re curious about the likes of motherhood BUT your sisters, mom, aunts, cousins, friends from childhood and college all have their own ideas about it. On top of that there are approximately 30,000 books on Amazon covering the topics of pregnancy, motherhood and raising babies. Who’s got the right answer? Where’s the space for your feelings, thoughts and motherly instincts about it all?
When I was pregnant, I felt I had no idea how to care for children or be pregnant, let alone give birth. Yet, the thousands of years of women birthing along with my lovey doula handing me The Continuum Concept smiling saying, “You gotta read this,” brought comfort. I’ve always been an instinctual girl who “goes to the beat of her own drum” as my mother likes to call it. When I read this book, it felt like permission to trust my undeveloped