Mandy Reid
It was just about five months ago now that my husband and I stood peering at two very positive lines on a pregnancy test. Our thirteen month old daughter; oblivious to our fast changing life, was sleeping soundly down the hall. Unreal is the only word that could describe that moment; coming to grips with the fact that we would have two children, under the age of two in the very near future. Of course, once the shock wore off, we were thrilled beyond words. A brand new adventure was about to wrap us up into an exciting, fresh chapter in our lives. Fast forward a few months into my pregnancy. I woke up with a sense of excitement; I was to see our sweet baby on a ultrasound screen this day at my OB/GYN appointment. My daughter woke up, and I hurried around our home, getting little one and myself ready to walk out the door. Already, I was a little flustered; feeling a likeness to a pack mule as I tried climbing the stairs with a twenty four pound toddler on my hip,