Meriah Nichols
You know, that sounds pretty innocuous. Like he's just knawing at stuff sometimes, chewing on one of those little ring things – or maybe a frozen carrot – and letting those little buds of teeth push through. And that's a far cry from what is actually happening. What is actually happening is night screaming – and I'm talking the back arching, kicking everything in sight, screeching, red in the face, full-on HOWLING. Coupled with this is the relentless – and I do mean relentless – all night nursing. And like “teething”, “nursing” sounds pretty innocuous. Baby tethered to mama, all gentle and in soft focus like the pictures that urge us Mamas to nurse our little ones. And that's not what's happening. What is actually happening is he chomps down on my nipple and PULLS it with his entire body while he kicks me in the stomach, pokes his finger directly in my eye, nose and does a thorough mouth examination while he's at it. It's as if one type of inflicted pain isn't enough for this kid. When