Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk
Ergobaby's 180 Reversible Stroller reversible design is better for your baby than you may know. The way you use your stroller could very well be shaping your child’s brain development. Neuroscientists have made great strides in the last decade in understanding how babies’ brains develop. It has relevance to all sorts of parenting decisions, including what kind of stroller to buy and how best to use it. Ironically, most parents still have little awareness of that information. There are two particularly important insights that emerge from these discoveries. The first is that brains are developing more rapidly in the first 3 years of life than they ever will again. These are, of course, precisely the years that a child spends in a stroller. The second is that relationships with people have a massive impact on the pathways that form in the brain. The direction that a stroller faces naturally changes the way a baby experiences her relationship with her parent. Human babies are born already