Benefits of baby friendly exercise:
- more achievable (no need to fit in around baby’s sleep schedule – baby can sleep in the carrier)
- more affordable (no need to pay a babysitter)
- more enjoyable (in a group setting)
- more accountable (build relationships and receive encouragement from fellow moms)
- more effective (baby weight increases mom’s weight bearing capacity)
- a great fun time to bond with baby!
Sukhasana - easy seated pose
Sitting nice and tall; lifting up through the crown of the head, shoulders relax down the back, tucking the chin ever so slightly. Begin to notice your breath. Breathing a little deeper and deeper, counting up to 3 on the inhale, and exhaling 3-2-1. Inhaling deeply, filling the belly, 1-2-3..... Exhaling completely emptying the belly 3-2-1. Continue this "sama vrtti" pranayama for a few more rounds. Inhale arms up overhead, exhale placing the right hand behind the right leg stretching over to the right side. Inhale back to center, both arms up... Exhale place the left hand behind the left leg, stretch over to the left, lengthening the right side body now. Inhale back to center and repeat.Tadasana
In a standing position, ground down through the entire pad of the foot; from the big toe mound to the pinky edge and all the way back to the heel of the foot. Feel the energy of the earth rising into the legs engaging the quads, tucking the tailbone under, opening the heart of the chest, rolling the shoulder blades back and down, and lifting up out of the crown of the head. Stand tall and strong. Close the eyes, breathe, and relax here.Vrksasana- Tree pose
Bring the weight into the right foot and ground down. As you begin to balance on this leg slowly bring the left foot up to the calf or thigh and point the knee out to the side. For more support use a wall to balance. Find a focal point, or "drishti", of an object or spot that is stationary. If you feel sturdy and strong, you may extend your arms upward and grow your branches extending the energy out through your fingertips. Repeat this on the left leg.Virabhadrasana- Warrior I
Deviasana- Goddess pose
Please use caution when attempting any of the carries, exercise or activities highlighted on this blog, social media or any other content channels. Please use common sense and caution when using a baby carrier. You should consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise program. For more information, see our disclaimer.