You know we love you, but we want to know what YOU us your "Ideal Mother's Day" on Pinterest for a chance to win a collection of Ergobaby Essential products, including the NEW Natural Curve Nursing Pillow! Good luck and happy pinning!
Enter the My Ideal Mother's Day Contest:
- Create a board on Pinterest called “My Ideal Mother’s Day”
- Pin your photos that represent your ideal Mother’s Day…whatever you want that would illustrate your ideal day! Would babywearing be involved? (Of course...) Would your partner wear the baby all day while he cooks you breakfast?...Would you go for a stroll on the beach?…Would you travel? The sky’s the limit!
- Tag your pins with #myidealmothersday.
- Complete the short form below.
- Submit a PIN from your Ideal Mother's Day board via the URL by May 10 at midnight PST.
We will choose our four (4) favorite boards and announce the winners on May 11, 2015. Each winner will receive an Ergobaby Essentials Collection, which includes:
NEW Ergobaby Natural Curve Nursing Pillow

The Ergobaby Natural Curve™ Nursing Pillow gives you the enduring support you need to relax, nurse comfortably and bond with baby.
Ergobaby Original Carrier - Indigo Mint Dots

This carrier was
designed by Kristina Meltzer of 100 Layer Cakelet, and was the winning entry in our design contest last year. Here’s her inspiration behind the design: “As a mama of two boys, I wanted to design a gender neutral carrier that was cute and feminine enough for a stylish mom, but also felt appropriate for either a baby boy or girl.” We agree she’s accomplished just that! We’re thrilled to add this carrier to our Summer 2015 line.
Ergobaby Wrap

Perfect for newborn snuggles and your first trip out of the house (in yoga pants, of course!) to go to a cafe or a walk around the block after baby is born.
Ergobaby Swaddler

Swaddling helps your baby (and you) sleep more soundly and peacefully. A step towards zen is a good night's sleep!
Enter Now