Vittoria Allen
October 28, 2024
As babywearing parents and carrying educators, researchers, and enthusiasts, I’m sure we all share the belief that everyone should be able to wear their baby. You only need to feel the magic of “sleepy dust” with your own baby, or see the joy of a caregiver successfully wrapping their baby for the first time to understand that this practice is important.
And that a well-used carrier is much more than just another baby gear product on a registry. But let’s face it: high quality carriers are out of the price range for many new parents. Thanks to lending libraries, secondhand sales, and hand-me-down gifts, often the “village” surrounding the new parent will ensure that the price tag alone isn’t prohibitive.
But that’s not the only barrier. Whether parents can afford a carrier or not, fully embracing this practice is not just an issue of economic access. It’s all about cultural access. Being able to fully adopt babywearing