Christina Soletti
March 23, 2015
We carry our babies for almost a year while pregnant. And while in utero they’re warm and safe, our breaths and heartbeat their constant companions. But when baby is born, it’s a whole new world for them (and us too!). Luckily, we can babywear, which brings our little ones right back to us. Babywearing gives both of us that closeness again, while also providing baby with numerous benefits to development, both physically and emotionally. We call the first few months after birth the “fourth trimester,” and for good reason. Our little ones need us more than ever as they make the transition into this new, big world. And as an added bonus, our partners or caregivers can babywear too, allowing them to bond with baby in a new way, building a stronger bond between your child and the people who love her.
And really, a carried baby is a happy baby…and doesn’t that make parents happy? The closeness stimulates a beneficial hormone production (Oxytocin),