Back wearing, also known as Back Carrying, seems to elicit both interest and a little bit of fear from babywearing parents. While Back Carrying is one of the most liberating types of carries--it enables you to be hands-free and keep the baby safe from whatever you are doing--it seems to be one of the most daunting carries for parents. Carrying your baby on your back allows the parent to perform many tasks that would otherwise be difficult with a baby on the front. Of course, as with any carry, there are safety precautions, but when followed, the Back Carry can become an indispensable tool in the babywearer’s toolkit--grocery shopping, laundry, meal prep (put baby down when working with anything hot!), dishes, trips to the farmer’s market, for example--all become so much easier with the Back Carry! This is also an ideal carry for the baby to play or really observe the world around her. Historically, Back Carrying has been an essential part of life in many parts of