Xza Higgins
December 02, 2014
Nothing can prepare you for being a parent to a child with special needs. Our journey together didn't start off in the way many families do. For the first year we conducted a fairly "normal" life, you know, whatever that means. There was the first roll over, the first tooth, the first time he sat up and so on and so forth. I can remember meeting him for the first time and waiting for the moment our midwife or nurse would say something was wrong. I just stared at him with the intuition only a mother can have, and questioned why they weren't saying anything. No one did. No one said anything was wrong, and I breathed a sigh of relief, but the lingering thought there was something, wrong, or maybe I should say different, about my baby stayed in the back of my mind.
When we brought him home, he just wanted to be held. I turned to my online community and was reassured this was normal. I placed him in a sling and he immediately became calm. As he nursed, and nursed and nursed