Embrace Motherhood Giveaway
To celebrate the launch of the Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Carrier, we’ve put together a fourth trimester prize package to nurture mama during those first weeks postpartum.   Motherhood starts here. Real, raw and powerful.  No matter how much preparation you do during your pregnancy or even before conception, it’s not really real until baby is here, and you start to feel the magnitude of the identity shift into the role of mother. Nurture yourself and babe during this incredible transformation.  With the birth of a baby, also comes the birth of a mother.  We invite you to honor this time, often referred to as "the fourth trimester" or "the first 40 days." The focus on the fourth trimester is not only nurturing the newborn baby but also the postpartum care and mental health of the healing mother.  It’s as much an emotional and spiritual change as it is physical, and  to help women make this transition as seamlessly and gracefully as possible, we've partnered with a few of our favorite brands to put together a truly nurturing and healing bundle.  It all starts here. Embrace Motherhood.

Nurture Yourself and Babe with the Embrace Motherhood Prize Bundle

Ergobaby Embrace Cozy Newborn Carrier, Nursing pillow and swaddler


For 9 months, the only home baby knows is the warm comfort of mama’s body. In the extraordinary days and weeks after birth, baby still wants and needs to be snuggled in close, reassured by the steady beat of your heart. We created the Ergobaby Embrace especially for this golden bonding time, when the outside world fades away and the new journey of parenthood begins. Designed with the softest knit fabric perfect for cradling your newborn, and the structured support of a carrier, our newest offering keeps you wrapped in the sweetest embrace while you discover your new rhythm together. Cozy up to a relaxed nursing experience. Our firm nursing pillow supports your baby comfortably and helps to keep you from slouching.  To embrace those sleepless nights, the Ergobaby Swaddler is the key to more peaceful sleep for you and baby.

Belabumbum Maternity & Nursing Bra of Winner's Choice

If you choose to breastfeed, most of your time during the fourth trimester will be spent breastfeeding.  Why not take care of yourself with a beautiful and comfortable nursing bra? It's the little things. Belabumbum's maternity & nursing bras offer the perfect combination of comfort, function and beauty with easy drop-down nursing clips and pretty lace details.

Burd Psychotherapy and Education $249 Gift Certificate to the Prevent Postpartum Depression course

You are not alone. The transition to becoming a parent is hard. Recently, our friend and maternal mental health expert Abby Burd shared on our "Embrace Motherhood" panel (more on that panel soon!) some strategies she found how to make the fourth trimester transition better. She shares these skills and strategies to prevent perinatal mood and anxiety disorders in her new online course, Prevent Postpartum Depression. This is a self-paced online course using videos, guided journaling, and a private community to learn skills and strategies to have a healthy and happy fourth trimester transition.  You can enjoy yourself, your life and your family.

Honey Pot Mommy to Be System and Post Partum Pads

Postpartum is a time for slowing down and honoring yourself.  If you just gave birth, you are tender and essentially healing a wound.  Nurture those tender parts.  Honey Pot's Mommy to Be system includes a full size feminine wash and full size wipes specially formulated for pregnant women and new mothers. Their post partum pads are ideal for new mothers who have just given birth. They are ultra healing and soothing.

Lunapads $100 gift card

Real talk: We're here to tell youthere will be blood postpartum.  A lot.   In fact, let's talk about it and make sure you are prepared. Lunapads are reusable pads that outperform disposables. Lunapads zero waste production is a sustainable choice for all those who choose to bleed a little more green. Their Performa Super is ideal for postpartum, soft and comfortable and ideal for tender post-birth parts. (Tip: Midwives we know who use the product often soak and freeze the pad, or soak it with witch hazel, to help with sore parts immediately postpartum.)

Michelle Tea Embrace Motherhood Tarot Reading via Skype and ASTRO BABY book

Becoming a mother is the ultimate mirror to ourselves.  Our own past, values and childhood comes to the surface, whether we like it or not. Author of  Modern Tarot, Michelle Tea opens the power of tarot to you.  Whether you’re a committed seeker or a digital-age skeptic, Michelle's tarot readings help you connect with your higher self in order to embrace motherhood, with all it's jobs and joys.  Once baby is earthside, her children's book Astro Baby is a delightful look at your child's astrology.

Monti Kids $300 gift card

While you nurture and heal yourself, know that you can safely nurture baby's brand development with Monti Kids.  Their at home Montessori program designed and safety tested from birth to age three. The gift card covers one level of the program.

Motherly Esse Pregnancy Pillow and  This is Motherhood book

During those last few weeks of pregnancy, ensure more restful nights with Motherly's sleeper pillow, with an S-shape design to fit mom comfortably and flexibly.  Each essy in THIS IS MOTHERHOOD is a love letter to you, mama to mama, to remind you that you are not alone.

Oat Mama $100 shop credit and EAT TO FEED book

Got milk, mama?  Support your breastfeeding journey with a $100 shop credit to Oat Mama, as well as a copy of their beautiful new book, EAT TO FEED.  Nourish yourself, nourish your baby.  Oat Mama provides a wide (and yummy) array of lactation products that support you at this special time in your life, so you can better support your growing baby.  That means jam-packing their products with wholesome superfoods to help you power up your energy, your mood, and your MILK.

Weleda Mama and Baby Essentials

Embrace getting to know each other with bonding rituals such as bath and infant massage with Weleda's gentle set created to moisten and nourish Mom's, Dad's, and Baby's skin.  Make bath time a part of your new rhythm. Gentle, replenishing care for delicate skin. Includes Skin Food, Comforting Body Lotion, 2-in-1 Gentle Shampoo and Body Wash.

Womb Box $100 Gift Card

Womb Box is a premium postpartum recovery care kit for the modern, mindful mama. Boxes come with high-quality, healthy, and safe products for expecting moms that support her health and well-being while recovering from childbirth.  

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Embrace Motherhood