Parenting Resolutions for the New Year: A Guide to Happy and Healthy Kids

As a personal practice, I’m not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions. Instead, I like to take time at the beginning of each year to reflect on the last year, and dream of what I’d love to see in my life for the year that’s ahead. I look at all the areas of my life (marriage, parenting, work, faith, self-care etc…) and try to set a word or intention for the year that can frame how I approach every day.  

As a mom, I see the new year as an opportunity to reflect on how I’ve been doing as a mom and sometimes, I even ask my little ones their thoughts! (It’s not always easy to hear!) 

Embracing parenting goals and new year’s resolutions is not only a personal commitment but also a powerful way to create a positive impact on your child’s life. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical strategies and ideas for achieving parenting resolutions that foster happiness and health in your children. 

Creating a Nurturing Environment  

In the realm of parenting, creating a nurturing environment is so important. Building a strong bond and attachment with your child is at the core of this endeavor. One effective way to achieve this is by utilizing baby carriers! Babywearing allows you to keep your baby close, ensuring they feel secure and connected to you. It’s a really tangible step towards realizing your parenting goals. 

Browse Baby Carriers  

You might also consider investing in ergonomic and comfortable feeding sets. Mealtime is not just about nourishment; it’s an opportunity to connect with your child. Choosing the right feeding gear can make mealtime more enjoyable, helping you achieve your goals for your child this year. 

SHOP Feeding Sets  

But creating a nurturing environment extends beyond physical comforts. It’s about establishing a secure and comforting atmosphere for your child’s growth. From providing a safe space to fostering emotional security, these elements are pivotal in meeting your parenting goals. 

Babywearing and Postpartum Depression 

6 Ways to Show Love to Your Baby by Keeping Them Close 

Encouraging Healthy Habits   

Nutrition is a fundamental aspect of your child’s well-being. Setting nutrition goals is a great parenting resolution! 

High chairs that promote proper posture during meals can be invaluable in achieving your goals for a healthier, more nourished child. Giving your child a comfortable and safe place to sit tall at the table makes mealtimes more enjoyable and also promotes bonding. 

SHOP ERGOBABY Evolve high Chair 

Implementing a balanced diet is another crucial component of your parenting journey. Understanding the impact of nutrition on your child’s physical and cognitive development can help you align your goals with their well-being. After all, nurturing their bodies is a key aspect of parenting resolutions for a healthier family. 

Mealtime can be a battleground for many parents, but it doesn’t have to be.  

Discover practical tips for starting solids.  

Baby’s First Foods 

Everything You Need to Know About Starting Solids 

When it comes to introducing new foods, most experts recommend not forcing it and simply putting the new foods on their plate. Continue to put it on their plate even if they don’t eat it, giving them a chance to get used to seeing it. Encourage them to try a bite when they are ready. Another tip experts use is to involve your child in the cooking process. Kids are more likely to try something they had a hand in making! Which is another reason our Evolve 3-in-1 High Chair comes in handy: it includes a Kitchen Tower attachment! 

SHOP Kitchen Towers

Prioritizing Mental and Emotional Well-being 

Parenting isn’t just about physical care; it’s about nurturing your child’s mental and emotional well-being. Emphasizing playtime and exploration is essential for their mental development. Incorporate these activities into your daily routine to meet your parenting goals for a well-rounded child. 

Managing emotions is another critical aspect of parenting. Teaching emotional intelligence is a valuable goal to set for your child this year.  

If you’re looking for help, Dr. Becky at Good Inside is an incredible resource for learning how to support our kids in their emotional growth. 

Mindfulness exercises can be a powerful tool in promoting mental and emotional well-being for both you and your child. Consider incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily routine to foster a sense of calm and emotional resilience, which are integral to your new year’s resolutions for families. 

The Calm app has some really great activities for kids (and adults) to regulate and practice mindfulness! 

Breastfeeding and Meditation 

Tips for Parents to Care for their Mental Health 

Simple Gratitude Practices for You and You Kids 

Promoting Physical Activity and Growth 

Physical activity is not just about keeping your child active; it’s about promoting growth and development. Baby carriers (and our compact stroller, Metro+) can be a valuable tool for encouraging outdoor activities and movement.  

For children, regular physical activity is crucial for their growth and development. Engaging in physical activities helps build strong bones and muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and enhances coordination and balance. It also aids in maintaining a healthy body weight and reducing the risk of childhood obesity, which is a growing concern in many societies today. Moreover, physical activity fosters cognitive development by enhancing concentration, problem-solving skills, and overall academic performance. It’s not just about physical health; it’s about nurturing a child’s holistic development. 

On the other hand, movement is equally essential for parents. In our busy lives, it’s easy for adults to neglect their physical health while prioritizing their children’s needs. However, regular exercise and movement are vital for maintaining physical fitness, managing stress, and boosting mood. Parents who engage in physical activity set a positive example for their children, encouraging them to adopt healthy habits from a young age. Additionally, physical activity is a fantastic stress reliever, allowing parents to manage the pressures of parenting and daily life more effectively. By making movement a part of their routine, parents can not only improve their own well-being but also create a healthier and more active family environment. 

Think creatively when it comes to physical activities. Explore various ways to engage your child in movement and play that resonate with their interests and preferences. These activities are not just for fun; they are instrumental in achieving your new year’s resolutions. 

5 Tips for Staying Active While Breastfeeding

How to Keep an Active Lifestyle After Baby

Strengthening Family Bonds 

Family bonds are the foundation of a happy and healthy family life. Quality family time is essential in building a solid foundation and secure attachment. Create dedicated time for bonding and shared experiences to deepen your connections and create lasting memories. 

As part of your parenting resolutions, consider ways to improve your family’s communication dynamics. Open and honest communication is key to understanding each other’s needs and building strong connections. 

Shared experiences can also serve as the glue that binds your family together. Whether it’s a weekend getaway, a special project, or a simple tradition, these shared moments contribute to your family’s growth and happiness.   

As you start off the New Year, first and foremost remember that the fact that you care about how you’re doing as a parent, shows that you’re a good parent. Parenting is amazing AND it’s difficult. Don’t let that discourage you. You’ll make mistakes and that’s ok! Set these intentions as a guide post for how you want to improve, not as a scale of whether or not you’re succeeding.  

Setting and achieving parenting goals is an ongoing process. By prioritizing your child’s well-being, nurturing their growth, and strengthening your family bonds, you can become a better parent and create lasting memories. Here’s to a year filled with growth, love, and joy, aligned with your new year’s resolutions for families! 

Vittoria Allen

Vittoria is a writer based in San Diego. A lover of good food, slow living, and a good novel, she shares her life with her husband and two daughters trying to squeeze out the beauty in every moment.

