Design Your (Parenting) Life
We are rounding out August here in the US with Black Breastfeeding Week.  Why do we need Black Breastfeeding week?  Read about it here. We're so honored to celebrate and honor Black mamas on their breastfeeding journey.  Need some tips for breastfeeding in the baby carrier?  Check out our video here.  We had the opportunity to chat all things breastfeeding with our friends Legendairy Milk, you can see the full video here.  We'll be continuing the content throughout the week. We're honored to have Registered Nurse and Lactation Consultant, Jadah Park Chatterjee, sharing her thoughts about the importance of Black Breastfeeding Week on Saturday, August 28. On Monday, August 30, Krystal Nicole Duhaney, founder of Milky Mama will be talking about the importance of babywearing and skin-to-skin for reaching your breastfeeding goals.  In the meantime, here are some more breastfeeding resources and tips:

Design Your (Parenting) Life

Looking ahead,  we will be going live on Instagram with our life coach friends at Handel Group to talk all things parenting on Thursday August 26, 2021 at noon PST. We'll be talking to senior HG coach Sally Maxwell about how you can design your parenting and partnership life.  Sally is passionate about working with people to transform their lives using The Handel Method®. Her warmth and natural teaching abilities allow her to break down the HG principles in a direct and loving way. Happily working with Handel Group since 2010, Sally holds the position of VP of HG Life Division and Senior Coach at Handel Group. She holds a BA in Theatre and Music from Middlebury College. We're so excited to share Sally's knowledge, tips, and passion!  Be sure to join us when we speak to Sally on August 26, 2021 at noon PST on IG live. Want more? We're thrilled to partner with Handel Group for an in-depth parenting workshop on September 16. Led by Sally, the Design Life: Design Your Partnership and Parenting workshop will explore the 3-step process to getting what you want out of family life, and address the politics of co-parenting. For more details and to RSVP for this free workshop, click here.