Self Care in the First Trimester
  The first trimester is such an exciting time. You have life growing inside of you, everything is changing, and it's a whole new adventure. At the same time you may feel exhausted, be experiencing all sorts of emotions, and just beginning to navigate your new normal (that will only change just when you get used to it!). Now more than ever, self care is so important. Here are some ways to make sure you're caring for yourself and your new little one, as you both work hard to grow and thrive.
  1. Take stock of your feelings. Remind yourself that it is normal to feel a wide range of emotions. Consider getting a journal and writing a little each night- how did you feel today? What were you thinking about? You can also address these entries as letters to your unborn baby. Most importantly though, take time to carve out a space for you and your thoughts- honor the emotions you are experiencing and work towards acceptance.
  2. Get moving outside. Self care encompasses mind, body, and soul- and when you're moving your body in nature, you're able to tap into all three of these areas. Take a morning walk while listening to your favorite podcast or music, or nothing at all. Take in the sights, move your body and breathe in the air.
  3. Just be. Practice yoga or meditation, and create quiet time to be alone with your baby and your thoughts. As your life begins to change in such a new way, it's wonderful to have a space for this gentle self-care, and remind your brain that it's okay to slow down.
  4. Take time to create healthy meals. One of the best ways we can treat ourselves is by preparing and eating a rainbow of foods. During the first trimester our tastes can be very particular, and if we're dealing with morning sickness doing the best we can is really all we can do! But this doesn't mean we need to miss out on the self-care aspect of our meals- take some time to enjoy whatever it is your body is wanting to eat.
  5. Seek help if needed. Pregnancy is often a happy time, but a number of women experience prenatal depression or anxiety. If you’re concerned about symptoms you may be experiencing, talk with your partner, family, doctor or midwife about what's going on. You don't have to go through this alone, and there is help and support waiting for you.
Photo courtesy of Terra LaRock of Love and LaRock.