We are Family: The Lowmillers

My family story starts with a single mother of a sweet boy. When my son Zane was 14 months old I found myself suddenly parenting solo. During that 3 year journey I never gave up hope that I would have a loving husband that would desire to grow a family with me. I knew in my heart that I was created to be a mama of many so I trusted that more little ones would be coming my way. On April 1, 2007 I married an amazing man named Brian. In addition to my beloved I also scored 2 wonderful bonus boys, my step-sons Mason and Carson.

The Lowmillers were now a blended family of 5. Before Brian and I were married we spoke of the desire to grow our family. He thought one or two more children would be ideal, I thought three or four more sounded great. We were both very open to adoption so we agreed that is where we would start. I had a very strong desire to adopt from foster care so we signed up to take the necessary classes to get our adoption home study. Taking those classes opened our eyes to the need for foster families in our community.
After much deliberation we decided to open our hearts and home to children needing a loving family for perhaps a day, a week or forever. We had several little loves come and go but in November 2009 our Naomi came as a legal risk placement at 6 months old and stayed forever. We were thrilled to have our sweet daughter join our family. In January 2010 when Naomi was only 8 months old I found out we were expecting. Quinn was born in September 2010 and we thought we were done growing. But then Brian went on a business trip in March. When he came home he declared that he would like to have one or two more children. I was shocked! This is exactly what I had hoped for but I was trusting God to change Brian’s heart if this was the plan for the Lowmillers. I felt VERY strongly that we should adopt through foster care again. We filled out the mountain of paperwork and turned it in.
Several weeks later I discovered that we were expecting again. It was a happy surprise but I remember being confused and telling God over and over again that I was certain we were meant to adopt through foster care again. So why in the world is there a baby occupying my womb? Seventeen weeks into my pregnancy with Ezra I received a call on a Monday morning that Naomi’s birth parents delivered a baby girl the day before. I was asked if we would consider being a forever family for her. So with my 8 year old on the floor playing legos, my 2 year old tugging on my leg, my 10 month old on my hip and my baby in my belly I called my husband at work to pose the big question. I had prepared my heart to hear “Woman, you are nuts!” But instead my amazing husband asked “Another daughter; a baby sister for Naomi?” He then said, “Yes! Call and tell them yes!” Two days later I brought Phoebe Violet home from the hospital. I am so very pleased that I have been chosen to be the mother of the awesome children in our family. I am so very pleased that our family has been knit together by birth and by adoption. My children are my joy and delight. Adoption has blessed our family beyond measure.
This post was submitted by reader Holly Lowmiller, as part of our Adoption Awareness Month Series. Holly is a wife to her beloved and a mother to her glorious brood of 5. Holly and her husband have grown their family through birth and adoption. Holly holds a special place in her heart for children in the foster care system. She is a former Montessori credentialed teacher with a passion for education of the mind and the soul. Holly now stays home to care for her family and is currently pursuing her certification as a birth and bereavement doula through stillbirthday.com. Look for part two next week as Holly talks about meeting her daughter for the first time.